About Us

¡Bienvenido! Welcome!

The Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund is dedicated to investing in the college education of Hispanic/Latino students in Central Florida. Our scholarships, student workshops and events are designed to help students earn their bachelor’s degrees, develop critical life skills and connect to the local community.
In addition to creating opportunities for students, this investment promotes the development of a vibrant and diverse workforce, supports the local economy and strengthens our region.
The scholarship fund’s board, sponsors and partners uniquely understand the continuing need for quality education and the difference that scholarship support can have on a student’s academic success.
Since 2000, the scholarship fund and its partners have awarded 494 Hispanic Heritage Scholarships totaling more than $2.0 million.

The Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund originated with a series of activities organized by the Hispanic Heritage Celebration Committee of Orange County, an employee group whose main purpose was to plan and organize activities for Hispanic Heritage month. The first Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Gala was hosted by this group in October 2000 to raise the organization’s initial funds.
In 2003, as a result of this effort to support the local Hispanic community, a partnership with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Metro Orlando was developed and the Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund was established as a separate and independent organization. It was incorporated in August 2003 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization under the State of Florida.
In 2014, the scholarship fund was awarded a million dollar grant from the Helios Education Foundation, the largest grant in its history. The Helios grant includes a $750,000 endowment intended to help the organization to pursue its mission in perpetuity. The remaining $250,000 allowed the organization to develop new strategic and operational plans, cover operational costs and fund 20 scholarships for Hispanic/Latino college students.
To date, the scholarship fund and its partners have awarded 494 Hispanic Heritage Scholarships totaling more than $2.0 million.